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MASH White Elephant Beer Exchange and Holiday Hangout

 One of our favorite traditions from our annual MASH Holiday Party is a White Elephant Beer Exchange.

Since we can’t party in person, we invite all MASH members to join us Friday, Dec. 4 and Saturday, Dec. 5 for a holiday celebration designed for the times we’re in.

Pick a beer from your cellar or pick up something special to wrap and exchange as a secret gift and bring it to the parking lot of the Whole Foods off Route 46 in Parsippany at 6:30 p.m. on Friday.

We’ll have a table set up for people to place and pick random beers to take home. Please mask up! You’re welcome to bring some homebrewed bottles to exchange, and heads up — there’s a Shake Shack right there if you want to grab a bite to eat.

On Saturday morning, MASH brewers are invited to fire up their brew set up and log into our virtual brew room and “holiday hangout” from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.  All are invited to log on at 1 p.m. to open your White Elephant beer and cheers to the end of 2020.

To join in virtually, use this Google Meet link:

Let us know in Slack if you have any questions.

Looking forward to seeing you there! Cheers,

Rich Cohen,
MASH President